The Gospel According to Andrew

 A few months ago, one of our retired preachers remarked from the pulpit how my social media posts are like "the Gospel of Andrew," as part of a wider point about the way we all write a gospel with our lives and words every day. I've been thinking about the content of that Gospel for a while now, but have never taken the trouble to dig up and capture all those old FaceBook posts about Saints and Feast days and the like, or times I've shared or reflected on content by others adding my own theological point of view. I plan to start doing that, so I can see what it is I've been saying and assess it. Is it, in short, actually good news? Is it the "faith delivered once for all to the saints?" (Jude 3).

I may also use it to host new things while I start the process of digging up my own history as a practicing lay theologian.


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